Fitness Instructor - Gym Based

level 2

Starting a career in the fitness industry? this is the course for you, you can move on to Personal Training or Kettlebells to further your knowledge or understanding.

Circuit Training

level 2

A two-day course focusing on learning how to competently plan and instruct a circuit session or work with groups of people.


level 2

A one-day course providing you with the knowledge to run your own Kettlebell sessions or implements correct techniques and a massive variety of exercises to take away to your clients.

Olympic Weight Lifting

A two-day course guiding you to understand the principles of Olympic Lifting – Snatch & Clean and Jerk. These very complex lifts, compared to your average gym exercise will offer a great variety and safe way to train your clients (and you) Use that lifting platform for the reason it was put there and not just to deadlift.