Unlock Your Potential with Our Flexible PT Course Subscription – No Strings Attached!

By Kent Sports Academy

Unlock Your Potential with Our Flexible PT Course Subscription – No Strings Attached!

Hey there, fitness warriors! It’s Andy here, your go-to guide in the maze of personal training qualifications. I’ve got something that’s going to flip the script on how you pursue your dreams of becoming a certified personal trainer. Brace yourselves because this is the game-changer you’ve been waiting for!

Introducing our revolutionary  Subscription-Based Personal Training Course – a flexible, stress-free path to unlocking your fitness instructing potential without tying you down. And guess what? You can kiss goodbye to those hefty upfront fees that make your wallets weep. Our motto? Learn now, pay as you go.

Why Our Course?

No Contracts, No Credit Checks: Just like your favorite streaming service, but for boosting your career! Dive into our PT course with weekly releases that let you chomp down the material in manageable bites. Perfect for keeping the stress at bay and spreading out payments.

Total Control in Your Hands: Not feeling it? No problem! Cancel anytime, no strings attached. Eager to achieve your certification in record time? The 9-month mark is the quickest you can complete the course, but if you want more time to absorb the material, simply carry on. We’re here to adapt to *your* pace, not the other way around.

Affordable, Stress-Free Learning with a Smart Ending: Hesitant about diving into the personal training world? Our course is the perfect low-risk trial to explore your passion without breaking the bank. Plus, to keep the monthly payments affordable, we’ve introduced a small payment at the end for those completing the course. This way, you can manage costs effectively, paying less upfront and spreading the expenses over time. Once you’re at the finish line in 9 months, you receive your certificate, marking your grand achievement without the burden of larger monthly subscriptions.

We release new content weekly, complete with digestible information and questions to test your understanding. And, of course, our experts are always ready to provide feedback to keep you on track.

Beyond the Course:

We’re not about selling unrealistic dreams. Becoming the world’s best PT takes more than just a qualification – it’s about experience, ongoing learning, and the passion to help others achieve their fitness goals. We provide the foundation; you build your castle of success.

Who Joins Our Course?

From fitness enthusiasts looking to deepen their own training knowledge to those eyeing a side hustle in personal training or online coaching, our course is the launchpad for anyone aiming to enrich their fitness journey or pocket a little extra.

What Makes Us Different?

Personal Touch: We’re here to guide you, not just take your subscription fee. Need help? Drop us an email or give us a call. We’re in this together.
Discipline Drives Success: Just like sticking to your gym routine, discipline in our course reaps rewards. We believe in you and your ability to push through, week by week.

Ready to Jumpstart Your PT Career?

Sign up for our PT Diploma, including a Level 2 Gym Instructor qualification, and start your journey with a bang! No massive upfront costs, just a straightforward path to becoming a certified personal trainer, equipped to exercise others safely and effectively.

This is more than a course; it’s your future on your terms. Ready to take the leap? Click here, and let’s get moving!

Join us and transform your passion into your profession, one week at a time.

P.S.: Want a sneak peek into what awaits? Imagine this: The satisfaction of guiding someone through their fitness journey, the thrill of seeing your clients achieve their goals, and the joy of knowing you played a part in their success. That future is just a click away. Let’s make it happen together!

